The Normal INR Levels

Patient Self Testing The level of blood sugar or blood glucose is measured accurately six to eight hours after the last meal. This is why it is commonly determined in the morning, before breakfast. The normal ranges for a healthy individual lie between 70 and 100 milligrams per deciliter. inr levels After having a meal, the sugar level rises. The maximum range shouldn't exceed the 135-140 mark for a healthy person. With diabetic patients, blood sugars can either be too low or very high, conditions that are called hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia. Extreme values lead to serious medical issues Warfarin works by blocking the formation of vitamin K-dependent clotting factors, substances in the blood that cause clottingWhile warfarin’s ability to stop clotting is a major benefit to blood clot patients, it can also cause problems. If it is too effective at stopping the clotting process, it can lead to uncontrolled bleeding. In order to monitor how effective the warfarin treatment is, d...