What is an embolism?


An embolism, also called thromboembolism, is a blockage in one of the arteries of the body due to a that has broken off from another location in the body (embolus) and traveled through the bloodstream to lodge in a small blood vessel. The blockage may limit or stop blood flow. An embolism may be serious and life threatening.

the primary cause of embolism. In deep vein thrombosis, blood clots form in the large veins of the legs. Sometimes a blood clot breaks free and is carried through the bloodstream. It may then cause an embolism by blocking an artery in the lungs, brain, or other organs.

Symptoms of embolism vary greatly depending on the severity and location of the embolism. Some individuals with embolism have no symptoms. An embolism in the lungs is called a pulmonary embolism. An embolism in the brain can cause a stroke.

Treatment of embolism aims to dissolve, remove, or limit the growth of the blood clot, and prevent the formation of future emboli. This may be achieved through medication, minimally invasive procedures, or, rarely, surgery.

An embolism may be life threatening. On-X Aortic Valve Seek immediate medical care (call 911) for serious symptoms, such as altered vision, , fainting,  or severe difficulty breathing, or if you think you may be having a heart attack or stroke.

What are the symptoms of an embolism?


Symptoms of an embolism vary with the severity and location of the embolism.  heart bypass It is possible to have an embolism without any symptoms.

At times, any of these embolism symptoms can be severe and may indicate a life-threatening condition, such as pulmonary embolism, heart attack.

Symptoms of an embolism in the arms or legs

Symptoms of an embolism in an extremity such as the hands, arms, legs or feet include:

Coldness in the extremity

Decreased or absent pulse in the extremity

Muscle twitching, spasms or seizures

Muscle weakness

Numbness or tingling in arms or legs

Serious symptoms that might indicate a life-threatening condition

In some cases, an embolism can be life threatening. If the embolism occurs in the lungs, it may cause a life-threatening pulmonary embolism. An embolism can also cause a heart attack or stroke. Heart Valve Disease  if you, or someone you are with, have any of these life-threatening symptoms of pulmonary embolism including:

What causes an embolism?

An embolism is a blockage in one of the arteries of the body due to a circulating blood clot. Blockage of an artery may restrict blood flow to a limb, the lung or another organ.


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